Reverse Transfer of Payments

Reverse Transfer of Payments

Description of Issue

How to void transfer of payments.

Can we delete Transfer batch?

This receipt cannot be transferred due to the following reason: This receipt has not yet been approved and must be voided instead.

  • Transfer of Payments
  • Payment Reversal

Users will find that there is no reversal function within the Transfer of Payments program. If the batch is unrelased user will not see the Reverse button in Payment Reversal and may see the message, This receipt has not yet been approved and must be voided instead.  


Transfer receipts must be set to Released before they can be reversed. 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues > Payment Processing > Transfer of Payments.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Select the Relevant batch.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Click Output-rel.

Individual receipts can now be reversed via the Payment Reversal program. The entire transfer batch can be reversed using the Payment Batch Reversal program.