Reverse Payment Redistribution
Reverse Payment Redistribution
Description of Issue
A single or several payment redistributions need to be reversed.
- Payment Redistribution
- Payment Reversals
- Reversal
The payment redistribution was either completed in error or is skewing the history of the bill/bills.
- Navigate to the Payment Reversals program either by searching or using the following path: General Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Reversals
- Click Add to add a batch.
- Enter the desired dates for the batch.
- Within the batch, click Search.
- Enter the year and category of the bill the redistribution was completed for.
- Select Payment Redistribution from the Activity field dropdown.
- Enter the receipt number in the receipt field.
- Click Reverse.
- Select the desired Reason for reversal from the dropdown.
- Click Accept.
- Repeat steps 4-10 for as many Payment Redistributions as necessary. (Note: A whole batch of Payment Redistributions can be reversed using the steps in the Additional Information section.) When all reversals are entered, click Back.
- Click the Output-Rel button in the top ribbon to release the batch.
- The batch will need to be posted to the General Ledger from Payments Journal once released. Instructions for posting from Payments Journal can be found here: How to post a payment batch in Payments Journal
Additional Information
To reverse an entire payment redistribution batch, please follow the steps outlined here: Reverse Payment Redistribution Batch