Reverse Payment Redistribution

Reverse Payment Redistribution

Description of Issue

A single or several payment redistributions need to be reversed. 

  • Payment Redistribution 
  • Payment Reversals 
  • Reversal 

The payment redistribution was either completed in error or is skewing the history of the bill/bills. 

  1. Navigate to the Payment Reversals program either by searching or using the following path: General Revenues > Payment ProcessingPayment Reversals 
  2. Click Add to add a batch. 
  3. Enter the desired dates for the batch. 
  4. Within the batch, click Search. 
  5. Enter the year and category of the bill the redistribution was completed for. 
  6. Select Payment Redistribution from the Activity field dropdown. 
  7. Enter the receipt number in the receipt field. 
  8. Click Reverse. 
  9. Select the desired Reason for reversal from the dropdown. 
  10. Click Accept. 
  11. Repeat steps 4-10 for as many Payment Redistributions as necessary. (Note: A whole batch of Payment Redistributions can be reversed using the steps in the Additional Information section.) When all reversals are entered, click Back. 
  12. Click the Output-Rel button in the top ribbon to release the batch. 
  13. The batch will need to be posted to the General Ledger from Payments Journal once released. Instructions for posting from Payments Journal can be found here: How to post a payment batch in Payments Journal
Additional Information

To reverse an entire payment redistribution batch, please follow the steps outlined here: Reverse Payment Redistribution Batch