Detail account amount cannot exceed available account amount on Contract error when updating Invoice to the same ORG/OBJ/PROJ on Invoice Detail

Description of Issue

Detail account amount cannot exceed available account amount on Contract error when updating Invoice to the same ORG/OBJ/PROJ on Invoice Detail

  • EERP 

  • Accounts Payable

  • Modify Invoices


This is a software defect


Download MUN-481988 though Tyler Deploy when available

Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Processing > Modify Invoices

  1. Define Journal Info/Vendor/Document or Invoice Number

  2. Click Accept

  3. Click Invoice Details

  4. Update Line 1 (only) to change the account

  5. Save the Changes

  6. Define Journal Info/Vendor/Document or Invoice Number

  7. Click Accept

  8. Click Invoice Details

  9. Update Line 2 (only) to change the account

  10. Save the Changes

Additional Information

Modifying one detail line at a time will allow the account changes without error