Cannot access Time and Attendance within the network

Cannot access Time and Attendance within the network

Description of Issue

Users can't reach any of the Time and Attendance environments within the organization's network

Browser error received:

Hostheader took too long to respond


No errors will be shown in the Time and Attendance application/error logs

  • Time and Attendance
  • ExecuTime
  • On-Premise Only
  • Firewall
  • Ports

Windows Firewall on the Time and Attendance server is enabled and blocking traffic for the instances designated ports


Firewall rules for the Time and Attendance ports will need to be made on the application server so that the application can be reached from other devices and servers within the network. 

The standard TCP ports for Time and Attendance are:

  • 7120 (Prod)
  • 7130 (Train)
  • 7140 (Test)

Depending on how many Time and Attendance environments there are, additional rules will need to be made for those, for example:

  • 7150 (Impl)
  • 7160 (Impl2)