TYLERCI Nightly Backup Creating Individual Backups of Databases

TYLERCI Nightly Backup Creating Individual Backups of Databases

Description of Issue

The TYLERCI nightly backup job is creating individual backups of databases nightly instead of backing them up together under the dbexport_tylerci.bak file and overwriting nightly. In the dbexport folder, there are new backup files for each database that is part of the TYLERCI job.

Database backups are incorrectly saving directly to the dbexport folder daily and not overwriting themselves.

SQL Backups Not Saving to a Backup Device

  • Nightly backup

  • Maintenance plan

  • SQL backups

  • TylerCI backup


Maintenance plan is set to create a backup file for every database

The SQL maintenance plan is pointing the backups to save directly to the (data drive)\dbexport folder and has them set to append instead of overwrite


Please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal to have the maintenance plan adjusted.

Additional Information