TouchTime III Screen is Black
TouchTime in Time and Attendance Kiosk going black
Time and Attendance
TouchTime clocks
The clocks had an outdated EmulatorService.jar file
Update the clocks with the jar files compatible with the installed Executime version.
Locate the TFTP utility in Drive:\Instance\ClockPolling\tftpd64
Launch the Tftp utility
Select Tftp Client tab
Populate Host field with IP address of target clock
Populate Local File field by clicking the ellipse button, navigating, and selecting the EmulatorService.jar file
Populate Remote file field with \ramdisk\root\EmulatorService.jar in the Remote file field
Click Put
Wait for transfer to complete
Click OK on success message
Hosted client will need to create a case with TSMTA for firmware files. The App and firmware reside in the below path on the application server:
The tounchtime file is the only file that need to be renamed before being placed on the clock. The file names will be as follow: