Generate Salary Tables-no salary tables generated

Description of Issue

When using the Generate option in Salary Tables, nothing generates after Defining and Executing the process. Message at the bottom of the screen reads:

Grade/Rank Records Added- 0

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll
  • Enterprise ERP Human Resources
  • Salary Tables

Incorrect range defined for Grade/Rank on Define screen.

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management>Human Resources>Position Control and Budgeting>Salary Tables.
  2. Click Generate.
  3. Click Define.
  4. Enter Base date from previous Salary Table that will be copied forward.
  5. Enter Effective Date and Group/BU
  6. Define valid Grade/Rank Range.
    1. If defining for all Grades/Ranks, define as blank to ZZZZ.
  7. Define value for Amount or Percent under Change By.
  8. Click Accept.
  9. Click Execute
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