Report by Zip Code for Employees with specific Deduction

Description of Issue

Need an exported report for all Employees on a specific tax Deduction code that will include Employee Zip Code and Address information.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Inquiry


Employee Address cannot be exported from Employee Master, and an export from Employee Deductions will not include Address information. Search and export from Employee Inquiry for this information.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Inquiry.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Select correct Employee Status.

  4. Click Deductions tab. 

    1. This tab does not appear until Search has been clicked.

  5. Enter Deduction Code or range of codes using colon (Ex, 1000:1100).

  6. Click Accept. 

  7. Click Excel.

  8. Choose Full Report.

  9. Export Filter will appear. Click Select None to clear selections, then select necessary fields. (Ex: Employee Number and Zip Code). 

    1. Deduction Code will not be available for Export.

  10. Click Accept.

Additional Information