Error executing insertBankItemFileHeaders during BAI Import - 9999 File time value

Description of Issue

When attempting to import a BAI file through the BAI Import program the following error is received:

Munis (Cfbaiimp)

Error executing parse_line_header()
Additional information concerning a status error of -391 [-515]:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'FileDateTime', table 'XXXXX.dbo.
BankItemFileHeaders'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

System log Id: XXXXX

System log error: 

<Exception Type="SQL" Message="Error executing insertBankItemFileHeaders." Timestamp="XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXXXX"

  • BAI Import
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager

BAI file has a file time value of 9999


Confirm the file time value:

  1. Open the BAI file
  2. File time is found in the first line (01 line), immediately following the fourth comma

Example BAI file:


Reach out to the bank and confirm the file time value. If possible, have the bank assign a value other than '9999' to BAI file(s) moving forward. 

Additional Information

If BAI import errors with the same error message, and has a non-9999 file time value, see: Error executing insertBankItemFileHeaders during BAI import - Incorrect year formatting line 01