CM Grab Vendor Sync job is failing

Description of Issue

In the CM Full client the Grab Vendor Sync job has been failing it's nightly run. This  message displays in the Database Log:
Job system.integration.MUNISSync : Grab Vendors, Clerks, and Cash Account Numbers from MUNIS failed on <server>.

  • Content Manager
  • Full Client
  • MUNISSync
  • Grab Vendor Sync
  • Invoice Capture/Invoice Processing
  • Lookup Tables

There was a change pushed out with CM version 2023.4 that caused the job to fail.


The MUNISSync job is used to populate EERP data into the InvoiceCapture lookup tables in the CM Full client. 
If site users do not log into the CM Full client to use that process, the job can be unscheduled by a site admin:

  1. Log into Content Manager with Admin privilege's
  2. Click on the Job Manager icon (clock) in the top command ribbon
  3. Locate and select system.integration.MUNISSync
  4. Click on the Reschedule Job button in the top right command ribbon
  5. Click the radio button next to Never
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Yes to the warning message
  8. Verify the Schedule is set to never

If site users do log into the CM Full Client a fix will be available in an upcoming Content Manager release estimated to be available early to mid-April 2024. Allowing the job to run should not cause issues with any other CM processes or functionality.
If it is decided to unschedule the job until the fix is installed, to reschedule:

  1. Log into Content Manager with Admin privilege's
  2. Click on the Job Manager icon (clock) in the top command ribbon
  3. Locate and select system.integration.MUNISSync
  4. Click on the Reschedule Job button in the top right command ribbon
  5. Click the radio button next to Daily, then select an Hour and Minute in the Schedule Options
  6. Click OK
  7. Click Yes to the warning message
  8. Verify the Schedule is set to the time of your choosing

Please contact Content Manager Support if you have further questions.