Unreleased Batches in Payments Journal
Unable to post batches in Payments Journal due to being in Unreleased status.
Unreleased batches not present in Payment Entry.
Enterprise ERP
Accounts Receivable
Payments Journal
Batches were not Released from their origination program, meaning they can't yet be posted from Payments Journal.
Locate the Batch in the corresponding program, and Output-Release it. The Batch Types on the Payments Journal's General tab shows which types of Batches can be posted.
Batch types and where they can be found and Released:
Payment - Payment Entry
Reversal - Payment Reversals
Refund - Bill Refund Processing
Transfer - Transfer of Payments OR Transfer of Overpayments
Payment Redistribution - Payment Redistribution
Prepayment - Prepayment Processing OR Apply Credits/Deposits