Adjustment Deposit Reconciliation - Bank File - Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns

Description of Issue

Receiving error when attempting to import bank file into Adjustments and Deposit Reconciliation

Munis (cfadprcn)
Error loading from: e:\munsys\import_test\import_cfadprcn.009 -846 [ISAM 0]
Additional information concerning a status error of -846:
Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns.
If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.
System log Id: #

  • Adjustments/Deposits Reconciliation

  • Bank File

  • File Format

  • Bank Reconciliation Legacy/Classic


Bank File formatting and position of data does not match selected File Format


Ensure each field size is matched to the file format being used, also ensure each field starts in the correct position.