Account Inquiry - Current Fiscal Year and LIFE Budget Transfer in or out and revised wrong on MY LTD fund account

Description of Issue

Current Fiscal Year and LIFE Budget Transfer in or out and revised wrong on MY LTD fund for account in Account Inquiry

MY LTD account was incorrectly in closed status and did not roll forward prior year available to current year original budget

  • Account Inquiry (glactinq)

  • Multi-Year Life-to-Date (MY LTD)

  • Budget Transfer In/Out (BUA)

  • Revised Budget


Budget Transfer and Amendment journal BUA failed to correctly update the Accounts Table leaving Budget Transfer In/Out and revised with wrong amounts when compared to supporting detail

Closed status accounts do not carry forward

  • Contact Munis Financial Support for review

  • Ensure Train database has same issue or has been recently refreshed as support only utility will need to be run in secondary database successfully before applying update to Live production

Additional Information

Please review the journal tied to discrepancy and identify if it is only the one account, multiple accounts or all accounts tied to the problem BUA journal