Notes and Alerts on Receipts

Notes and Alerts on Receipts

Description of Issue

Receipt has an error or warning message in the Notes/Alerts section.

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Entry

  • Receipt Inquiry


Receipts are showing information in the Notes/Alerts section.


No action is needed - this section is informational and only appears when there is a note or alert to be aware of for that receipt.

It commonly explains why certain features might not be available.

Additional Information

Examples of what's often in this section and what it means:

This receipt cannot be transferred due to the following reason: This receipt has not been posted. (No Transfer option on the toolbar)

Cannot NSF tenders that are not a Check, EFT, or Bank Transfer. (NSF fee can't be processed due to the tender type used)

Cannot complete an NSF reversal for a tender that has already been reversed. (Receipt is a Reversal record itself)