Account Inquiry - User cannot see any accounts

Account Inquiry - User cannot see any accounts

Description of Issue
  • Account Inquiry search results in zero records returned
  • Account Inquiry sees records in search but once accepted display zero records at the bottom with no accounts or amounts displayed
  • Account Inquiry only works when a single account is defined but not when more than one is selected
  • Account Inquiry
  • Segment Sort Order
  • Configuration & Setup
  • Roles & Permissions
  • User's General Ledger data access is not correctly configured to allow access to accounts being defined through record selection criteria
  • Segment Sort Order is not defined as unique to allow system to know what account record to display first
    • This can happen if the same option is selected more than once

First ensure this is not simply a segment sort order issue before reviewing or adjusting permissions:

  1. Browse to Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Inquiries and Reports > Account Inquiry
  2. Search
  3. Sort By Segment 
  4. Make sure all necessary segments (often Org, Object, Project but can be any 3 segments) are selected. This determines the order that accounts are displayed in when scrolling through the find-set. 
  5. Accept
  6. Now enter account find-set to confirm they display in the expected order.

If issues remain review users data access for assigned GL role permissions from User Attributes