Time and Attendance System Requirements

Time and Attendance System Requirements

Description of Issue

Time & Attendance (TA) and Tyler Workflow (TWF) server deployment requirements

  • Time & Attendance

  • ExecuTime

  • Tyler Workflow

  • IIS

  • Server Requirements


This outlines the System Requirements needed to deploy and operate the Time & Attendance (TA) powered by ExecuTime software (TA/ET), environment configurations necessary, and information your engineer will need on or before the engagement day.


Application Server

4 CPUs / Cores*
32 GB of dedicated memory*
160 GB C: Drive – Operating System/Applications**
Windows Server 2016 to 2022 Standard
2048-bit or higher SSL Certificate:

  • SSL Certificate from a Public Certificate of Authority required, Wildcard cert recommended

  • If not already exported, the cert must be exportable at the time of the installation as a .pfx format
    cert with private key.

  • Internal DNS or FQDN of server must be compatible with cert and resolvable on intended users’ 
    workstations plus webserver (if applicable)

  • If the application is to be Public facing (external), then defining a Public IP to Private IP NAT 
    (Network Address Translation), as well as opening the specified port (e.g.; 7120) for the application 
    will need to occur.

*The CPU/Memory specifications are given with the understanding that three environments (Prod/Train/Test) are being deployed to the application server along with the paired TWF services, with each environment needing approximately 6 Gb +/- of RAM and a reserve of 6Gb +/- allocated to the operating system (e.g., Three Env X 6Gb + 6Gb = 24Gb). Additional instances will require additional resources.

**Secondary ‘Data’ Drive allocation can also be implemented, and applications can be deployed to the secondary drive if this is desired. Application storage needs are nominal, and with today’s virtual environments, single drive deployments simplify resource needs.

Database Server

Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022 Standard
(Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, case insensitive)
8 CPUs / Cores*
48 Gb of dedicated memory*

  • 100Gb – Operating System

  • 100Gb – Application storage

*About SQL servers and SQL server storage: Microsoft SQL servers are designed to be shared with multiple applications; however, sufficient resources should be allocated to this server to serve all applications applications housed on it (e.g.; A server with 8 CPUs and 48Gb Ram housing other applications beside TA may not perform optimally. Additional/sufficient resources need to be allocated to a shared server so that all applications operate smoothly).

SQL Reporting Services (TA v2021+)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017 or 2019 and higher* Standard (*2019 SQL Server and higher versions only supported with TA 2020.1+)
Windows Server 2016 or 2019 Standard
(Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, case insensitive)
*Note: SSRS is typically part of a SQL Database server deployment. Existing SSRS deployments may be leveraged once reviewed and approved by deployment. SSRS configured for SharePoint services cannot be used for TA

Server Preparation

  • TA Server(s) fully built and provisioned

  • Operating system deployed on server

  • Server joined to the domain

  • Microsoft Updates enabled and applied
    Operating System ISO available

  • ‘Tylerservice’ AD user added as local administrator 

  • SSL Certificate

    • Purchased/Created

    • installed on servers

    • PFX format, exported or exportable with private key (password)

    • See SSL section below for additional information

  • DNS alias created (internal for application server, external for webserver [if applicable]) and matching respective certs

  • .NET 4.8 installed on application server

  • .NET 3.5 and 4.5 installed on web server (if applicable)

  • Powershell 5.1 installed on application server (included with Windows 2016)

  • On the application server, connectivity to the following Tyler deployment servers/ports:

    • tylersftp.tylertech.com, ports 443 and 156

    • to test, confirm the following resolves from the browser of the applications server: 


SSL Overview

Tyler requires all TA server to end user communication to be secured using SSL.
Tyler strongly recommends purchasing a wild card certificate from an external certificate authority. Wild Card certificates can typically be used to secure all servers and websites across the 
domain. 3rd party certificate providers will require that the site own the FQDN for which the certificate is being requested.

  • SSL certificate must be provided for servers with resolving DNS Aliases. Wildcard SSL certificates are recommended as this will allow usage with multiple servers with least cost expense

    • If a local domain differs from the domain a third party wildcard certificate was issued for, 
      then appropriate split-DNS entries will need to be defined on the local DNS server to resolve 
      those names.

    • DNS Aliases must match the SSL (for example DNS ‘ta.yourdomain.org’ matches the 
      SSL certificate friendly name)

    • Example DNS Aliases

    • Please note that once a cert is issued, should the domain name change (“.yourdomain.org in the above example) a new cert will need to be issued that reflects this change

TCP Ports

7120 (Production – protocol https)
7130 (Train – protocol https)
7140 (Test – protocol https)
All environments
SSL HTTPS protocol between all servers involved (Used by Tyler Work Flow) 
For communication to the Tyler deployment servers (see Server Preparation section above)

  1. It is assumed that traffic will not be blocked between

    1. servers and clocks that reside on the internal network.

    2. Application server and database server (if separate)

  2. Non-Munis Client Considerations (if applicable): client must provide a Windows domain account with local admin on target servers and SQL login account with SysAdmin rights in SQL where the TA databases will be housed 

  3. For any additional questions, please feel free to contact customer support or your Tyler representative to connect you with appropriate TSMTA (Technical Services Management Time & Attendance) resource

Additional Information


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