Pay code not being included in New Hire Action after Output Posting

Description of Issue

When Output posting a New Hire Action a pay code is not being included in Employee Job/Salary Records for that employee

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • Personnel Actions

  • Personnel Actions Entry

  • Position Control and Budgeting

  • Position Control

  • Job Class Master


The Pay Code is not included in the Default Pay/Deduction Types option in either Job Class Master or Position Control


To resolve the Pay Code that is not included needs to be added to the Default Types in either Position Control or Job Class Master

Please note: 

  • Proper setup is to add all appropriate default types under Job Class Master, then define any Position-specific pays/deductions/accruals in Position Control Types

To review Job Class Master:

  1. Go to: Enterprise ERP> Human Capital Management> Human Resources> Position Control and Budgeting> Job Class Master

  2. Search the impacted Job Class

  3. Select Types in the Ribbon Toolbar 

  4. Review Pay Types

  5. Select Update and add as needed

To Review Position Control:

  1. Go to: Enterprise ERP> Human Capital Management> Human Resources> Position Control and Budgeting> Position Control

  2. Search for the impacted Position Control Record

  3. Select Types in the Ribbon Toolbar

  4. Review Pay Types

  5. Select Update and add as needed

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions