Can I generate W-2 for single employee
Can I generate W-2 for single employee
Description of Issue
Site missed one employee when creating W-2s. They have already sent them out as well as submitted their electronic file. They would like to know how to generate for a single employee.
- Payroll
- W-2 Wizard
- Employee W-2 and 1099-R
You cannot generate W-2s for a single employee. W-2s can only be generated for all employees at once.
To manually create a W-2
- Navigate to Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>Employee W-2 and 1099-R.
- Define W-2/1099-R Year and click Accept.
- Click W-2.
- Click Add.
- Enter Employee Number and Pay/Deduction information for all applicable fields.
- Click Accept.
Additional Information
- To then print the W-2, navigate to Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Forms Print or Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Wizard and go to Print step.
- Define the single employee number in the Employee Number criteria ranges to only print for that one employee.
- Example Employee Number 1234 to 1234.
- Define the single employee number in the Employee Number criteria ranges to only print for that one employee.
- Site will then need to create an electronic file for the employee's W-2. How to create W-2 electronic file for one employee