Run a Boat Make Codes report

Description of Issue

Need to run a report that shows all Boat Make Codes currently entered. 

  • Boat Excise Tax

  • Boat Make Codes (bemismnt)


A report of Boat Make Codes is needed to complete billing or for some other purpose. 

  1. Navigate to the Miscellaneous Codes program either by searching for bemismnt or by using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Boat Excise > Setup > Miscellaneous Codes 

  2. When the program opens, select Boat Make Codes from the Miscellaneous Code Types menu. 

  3. Click Search. 

  4. Leave all fields empty and click Accept. 

  5. Click Browse. 

  6. Click PDF. 

  7. The generated document lists all currently available Boat Make Codes. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.Â