Abatement displaying incorrect Customer and Property information when selected from a browse

Description of Issue

Abatement Entry displays the Customer, Property, Applicant, and Payee information from a different abatement in the batch when selecting an abatement from the browse screen.

The Customer, Property, Applicant, and Payee fields are wrong on records in Abatement Entry.

  • Munis

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Tax

  • Abatement Entry

  • txabtent


The Customer, Property, Applicant, and Payee fields aren't refreshing when a new record is displayed from the browse screen. They still show the info from a prior abatement that was on screen.


Development is researching the issue. As a workaround, since the issue is a display issue only, navigating using the next and previous buttons at the bottom of the screen will cause the data on screen to properly refresh.

Additional Information