Select New Titles

Select New Titles

Description of Issue

Need to select new titles. 

  • MA Tax 

  • Select New Titles (ttnewtit)


New titles need to be selected for a bill year title run. 

  1. Navigate to the Select New Titles program either be searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Tax Title Processing/Reports > Select New Titles

  2. Click Define

  3. The Bill Year automatically populates based on the Current title year in the Title Settings program. To update this field, please close out of Select New Titles and re-open it after updating the current title year by following the steps outlined here: Change or Update the Current Title Year

  4. Enter the Demand Date. (Note: Full field descriptions are available at any time by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner and selecting Help.

  5. Choose the desired Taking Date. This is the date that interest will be calculated to for the taking. Calculated interest will be included in the title as principal. 

  6. Enter a date to Exclude New Bills Having a Due Date After (it is recommended to use today's date). 

  7. Enter a balance to Exclude Bills With a Balance Less Than. 

  8. Check the box to Ignore prior year deferral records if desired. 

  9. Choose which owner to process the new titles with. Options are below: 

    1. Do not populate new owner

    2. Populate new owner if different from tax owner

    3. Populate new owner if different from owner of record

    4. Always populate new owner 

  10. Set a Parcel Range if desired or leave the default value of ' ' to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

  11. Choose any Special Conditions to Exclude

  12. Click Accept

  13. Click Select. The number of records selected displays in the Bills Selected field at the bottom of the page. 

  14. Choose an output option for the list of bills, either: Print, Display, PDF, or Save (a list must be output prior to proceeding). 

  15. Click Process. The number of bills processed displays in the Bills Processed field at the bottom of the page.

  16. There are now new title records in the Titles program with a status of initial for each bill processed. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast tax support.