How do I find cleared items in Bank Reconciliation Manager

Description of Issue

How do I find cleared items in Bank Reconciliation Manager? 

Site could be moving from Bank Reconciliation Classic to Bank Reconciliation Manager 

  • Bank Reconciliation Manager 



Cleared items are items that have been matched and therefore assigned a clear date. In Bank Reconciliation Manager, cleared items will only show under the Munis Transactions option. 

  1. Navigate to Bank Reconciliation Manager - Financials > Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Reconciliation Manager

  2. Munis Transactions

  3. Select option corresponding to what your are looking for: Check Register, Deposits, or Journals

  4. Enter search criteria, the Status filter can be set to Cleared, or Matched depending on the items you are looking for

  5. Execute

Additional Information

The reconcile screen in Bank Reconciliation manager only shows outstanding items, which is different from Bank Reconciliation Classic. In Classic, you can see both Cleared and Outstanding items on the Reconciliation record.Â