OH eSERS Lump Sum Job Class functionality

OH eSERS Lump Sum Job Class functionality

Description of Issue
  • What does the OH eSERS Generate do when you define a Job Class code as Lump Sum?

  • I have coaches who are paid a lump sum at the end of the season for their work report Service Days and Hours Paid.  If I define their Job Class as Lump Sum, will Days and Hours report correctly?

  • How does the Lump Sum Job Class functionality work?

  • Processing documentation says, "If Lump Sum job classes have been defined, we will also include days and hours associated with those jobs", but include them from where?  Where are days and hours are being pulled from for Lump Sum job classes?

  • How are Service Days and Hours Paid calculated for Jobs defined as Lump Sum?

  • Payroll

  • Ohio

  • OH eSERS Report



When a Job Class is defined on the Job Classes tab of the OH eSERS Generate screen with a Job Class Type of Lump Sum, the Generate process will try to find Days and Hours in Employee Job/Salary, but only if ALL of the Job Class codes on the employee's base pay records have been defined as Lump Sum.

The functionality was intended for coaches and board members that are paid once a year and are, for example, only coaches or only board members.  If the employee has base pay records for additional Job Class codes that are not defined as Lump Sum, the OH eSERS Generate will not use the Lump Sum functionality for this employee.    

Lump Sum Days and Hours Generate as follows, based on Employee Job/Salary base pay records for the Lump Sum Job Class where the Pay Status is not I - Inactive:

  • Service Days: The value in Days/Year field divided by the value in Num Pays field.

  • Hours Paid: The value in Sched Hours field.

Additional Information

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