Pay Code Included in Blended Overtime shows a To Date in the Future from a Prior Payroll

Description of Issue

An employee's blended OT has been calculating incorrectly and we discovered a pay code included in the blend from a prior payroll has a To Date way in the future. 

Example: The pay code in the payroll was dated 01/01/2020 to 01/05/2030 that is pulling into the current payroll blended OT. 

  • Payroll 

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Pay Master



Call Payroll Support as the To Date on the pay will need to be scripted to the correct date. 

  •  A server connection will be needed for OnPrem (self hosted) clients.

  • The scripts will most likely need to be tested in a refreshed Test or Train environment before running them in production. 

Additional Information