Generate a proof report of abatements within a batch for posting

Description of Issue

Would like to generate a report of abatements that will be posted in a batch. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Abatement Entry (txabtent) 
  • Proof Report

Need to generate a report for another department to reconcile the posting process. 

  1. Follow the steps found here to resume the batch for which a report is needed: Resume an Abatement Entry Batch
  2. Click Proof. 
  3. Choose an output order for the report, either: 
    1. Abatement 
    2. Name/Abatement 
    3. Property
  4. Choose an Output type for the report, Printer, Save, PDF, or Display. 
  5. Click OK. 
  6. The proof report will generate based on the Output type chosen. 
    1. If saved, use the following guide to locate the report in the spool: Find Reports Saved to Spool
  7. A report has now been generated! 
  8. The program will then attempt to post the batch with the following results. 
    1. If the user does not have the appropriate permissions to GL post the abatements in the batch, a warning message will be provided alerting them to the lack of permissions. 
    2. If the user does have the appropriate permissions to GL post the abatements, then the message No errors detected. Post these abatements? will surface. 
      1. Click Yes to continue posting the batch. 
      2. Click No to cancel. 
Additional Information