Converting Payroll Location codes

Description of Issue

We are changing to a new set of Location Codes, and need to know where to make the change to the employees

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payroll
  • Location Codes
  • Employee Master
  • Employee Job Salary
  • Job Class Master
  • Position Control
  • User Attributes
  • Workflow
  • Sick Bank


After adding the new Location Codes, the screens that need to be updated are:

  1. Job Class Master (Payroll > Payroll Setup > Job Class Master)
  2. Position Control (Human Resources > Position Control and Budgeting > Position Control)
  3. Employee Master (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Master)
  4. Employee Job Salary (Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job Salary)

In addition, the following needs to view reviewed:

Review and update the Location data access for all payroll users with Limited location access:

  1. Grant Payroll Data Access to User

Review and update the default payroll Proof Location in User Attributes for all payroll users:

  1. Update the default Location for payroll users in User Attributes

If your site generates payrolls by Location range, update the default location range in the Generate Defaults screen in the Payroll Control Settings

  1. Updating payroll required steps and generate defaults

Review and update Location codes in Workflow Business Rules

  1. Change Location code for a Workflow Business Rule

If your site uses Sick Bank, review and update the Location codes as needed in Sick Bank master

  1. Updating the Location code in Sick Bank Master
Additional Information