TX TRS RP20 - Hours Worked calculation

TX TRS RP20 - Hours Worked calculation

Description of Issue

Where do Hours Worked pull from when an RP20 record is Generated?

  • Payroll
  • Texas
  • TX TRS Report


  1. If Days Worked is 0, the Generate automatically sets Hours Worked and Hours Scheduled to 0 as well. 
  2. If Employment Type for this TRS Position is S - Substitute, then 0.  (Employment type is the crosswalked Personnel Status from the base pay Job/Salary record for this TRS Position).  
  3. If the employee has Time Entry records for the Job Class that correlates to this TRS Position, where the start or end dates are within the reporting period and the UOM for the Pay code in the Pay Master is H - Hourly, then the hours from those records are summed. 
    1. NOTE: If the start and end dates cross a month the Generate will try to prorate the hours for only those that fall within the reporting period, based on the Workdays on the Cycles/Other tab on the base pay Job/Salary record for this TRS Position.  
    2. EXAMPLE: If start/end dates in Time Entry are 3/20/24 – 4/2/24 and M, W, and F are selected on the Cycles/Other tab, then the Generate would assume 5 days in March and 1 in April.  It would the assign 5/6th. or 83.33%, of the hours to March and 1/6th, or 16.67%, to April.
  4. If there are no Time Entry records, the Generate sums hours from EDFM for the Job Class that correlates to this TRS Position, where the From/To dates on the Payroll Detail screen fall within the defined reporting period the UOM for the Pay code in the Pay Master is H. 
    1. Similarly, if the From/To dates on the Payroll Detail screen cross months, the Generate will try to prorate the time as detailed in #3 above.
  5. Otherwise, Hours Worked is reported as 0.

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