Mass Update Citizens Permissions in CSS

Mass Update Citizens Permissions in CSS

Description of Issue

Users updated CSS to allow Utility Billing Payments, but no users have access to the module in CSS. Users are wondering if you can Mass Update Citizens permissions.

  • CSS

  • Administration


CSS was updated to allow making payments to Utility Billing accounts.

  1. Log into CSS as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration

  3. Click User Administration

  4. Click Show All

  5. Click Apply Global Permissions

  6. Click the Citizens tab.

  7. The message at the top states the total amount of Citizens that will be impacted by this change. Click each checkbox for the modules that Citizens should have access to.

    1. NOTE: This will override ALL permissions on the Citizens account.

  8. Then click Update

All users in CSS will now have the same permissions as defined on the previous screen.

Additional Information