GL Master not Found for Employee Pay Only Deduction

Description of Issue

 Receiving the GL Master not Found when posting the GL in the warrant. The deduction code is employee pay only so there is no expense object code.

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payroll Processing 
  • GL Distribution Journal 
  • Deduction and Benefit Master 
  • Employee Deductions

The deduction is set to Employee Pays in Deduction and Benefit Master but has an Employee and an Employer amount on the Employee Deduction. 


To fix issue in future payrolls:

  1. Navigate to Employee Deductions (Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Deductions).
  2. Search for the Employee and the Deduction.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Delete the Employer Amt/Pct. 
  5. Accept.

To resolve the issue within the payroll, reverse the Employee Update and remove the Employer paid amount from the Deduction Detail in Earnings and Deductions. How to Reverse Employee Update to make changes to Pay or Deductions

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