XML payroll check file tag </YTDTaxableEarnings>

Description of Issue
  • Year to date taxable wages are not correct on payroll check

  • YTD taxable gross total incorrect on payroll advice / direct deposit

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Print Payroll Checks

  • Print Payroll Advices

  • Tyler Forms

  • Site uses check/advice format Y - TYLER FORMS XML CHECK EXPORT FILE when print payroll checks and advices

  • Tyler Forms uses tag </YTDTaxableEarnings> from the payroll check file to print the YTD taxable wages on the check / advice forms

  • Tag </YTDTaxableEarnings> comes from prpd_ytd_gross in table prpmdded for the FIT deduction(s) range 3000 - 3999

  • Field prpd_ytd_gross comes from the yearly accumulator(s) when the FIT deduction(s) are generated or added into the payroll


If the client reporting the amount is incorrect, is likely a timing issue.  Site could be processing 2 payrolls around the same time.  The year to date gross gets updated in the accumulators during the Employee Update step.  So depending on when the Employee Update was updated or reversed will determine what amount is in the accumulators at the time the deduction is generated or added into the payroll.

Additional Information