Asset fuel entries created from modernized Fuel Usage Import have missing and incorrect information

Description of Issue

Issues with asset fuel entries that were created from the modernized Fuel Usage Import:

  • Time is missing
  • Card number is missing
  • Unit cost is missing
  • Total cost is missing
  • Fuel description is incorrect
  • Enterprise Asset Management
  • EAM
  • Versions 2021.12 and above



Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:

  • 2021.12.0.0 - MUN-492343
  • 2024.1.0.0 - MUN-492344
  • 2024.2.0.0 - MUN-492345

Workaround:  Manually enter fuel records

Additional Information

Refer to Master Article - EAM modernized fuel import for additional information on the modernized fuel import