How to Reverse Unposted Payments From Payment Reversal Program

Description of Issue

Can the Payment Reversal Program be used to reverse an unposted Receipt 

  • EERP

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Reversal (arrefrev)


Reversing a payment withing the Payment entry program result on both the reversed and the legitimate Receipt to be part of the same Batch consequently the same Journal.


Payment Entry Batch will need to be Released prior to using the Payment Reversal. Then main advantage of  the this process is to create a separate Journal for the Reversed Payment. 

Navigate to General Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Reversals.

  1. Click Add to create a new Payment Reversal Batch.

  2. Click Accept.

  3. Click Search and Enter the Receipt Number 

  4. Click Accept or Enter from your Keyboard.

  5. Click  Reverse.

  6. Enter a Reversal Reason Code

  7. Click Accept or Enter from your Keyboard.

  8. Click Ok.

  9. Click Return to get back to the Payment Reversal Batch Header screen. 

  10. Click Output-Rel to release the batch to the Payments Journal for posting.

Additional Information

Using this process my impact your payment entry Settlement total amount.