Database view containing all past pay steps in a particular job

Description of Issue

How to query the database to find all the pay step changes for an employee for a particular job for custom reporting?

  • EERP

  • Tyler Reporting Services (TRS)

  • SSRS

  • Crystal Reports

  • SaaS, OnPrem Hosted


Client needs to find all past pay information for custom reporting. 


The TRS view pr_job_pay is built to only show the most current pay step of a job code. This means if the employee had multiple pay steps in this job, they will show up in MUNIS but not in pr_job_pay.

To see all past pay steps, use the TRS view pr_proj_job_pay. This will show the gs_step_date and the s_start_date and s_end_date for the past pay steps. 

pr_proj_job_pay can be queried to also show future pay steps that have been entered into MUNIS but are not effective yet. 

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