Database view containing UB meters information

Database view containing UB meters information

Description of Issue

What TRS view contains information on Utility Billing Meters program from EERP

  • EERP 

  • Tyler Reporting Services (TRS)

  • SSRS Reports

  • SaaS Hosted

  • OnPrem Hosted


Need to use UB meters information for custom reporting. 


To view this module in EERP:

  1. In Tyler Menu, navigate to Enterprise ERP > Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Meter/Flat Inventory Management Meters.

  2. Click Search to search for specific meter information.

The TRS view ut_meters contains meter information from EERP. This view does not have customer information, so you have to tie this view to ut_customers, ut_service_master, ar_customer, and ut_account_master to pull in this information.


FROM ut_customers AS C

INNER JOIN ut_service_master AS S

ON C.a_acct_cust_key = S.a_acct_cust_key

INNER JOIN ut_service_reads R

on S.a_service_mast_key = R.a_service_mast_key

INNER JOIN ut_meters AS M

ON S.a_meter_det_key = M.a_meter_det_key

INNER JOIN ar_customer AS AC

ON AC.a_ar_customer_cid = C.a_ar_customer_cid 

INNER JOIN ut_account_master ACC

ON ACC.a_account = C.a_account

Additional Information