Database view containing UB meters information
What TRS view contains information on Utility Billing Meters program from EERP
Tyler Reporting Services (TRS)
SSRS Reports
SaaS Hosted
OnPrem Hosted
Need to use UB meters information for custom reporting.
To view this module in EERP:
In Tyler Menu, navigate to Enterprise ERP > Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Meter/Flat Inventory Management > Meters.
Click Search to search for specific meter information.
The TRS view ut_meters contains meter information from EERP. This view does not have customer information, so you have to tie this view to ut_customers, ut_service_master, ar_customer, and ut_account_master to pull in this information.
FROM ut_customers AS C
INNER JOIN ut_service_master AS S
ON C.a_acct_cust_key = S.a_acct_cust_key
INNER JOIN ut_service_reads R
on S.a_service_mast_key = R.a_service_mast_key
INNER JOIN ut_meters AS M
ON S.a_meter_det_key = M.a_meter_det_key
INNER JOIN ar_customer AS AC
ON AC.a_ar_customer_cid = C.a_ar_customer_cid
INNER JOIN ut_account_master ACC
ON ACC.a_account = C.a_account