TX TRS ED40 Generate Criteria

TX TRS ED40 Generate Criteria

Description of Issue
  • What is the generate criteria for an ED40 record in the TX TRS Report program?

  • When will the TRS Generate create an ED40?

  • Payroll

  • Texas

  • TX TRS Report



An ED40 record is Generated as follows -  

  1. For any employee an ED20 record is created for.

  2. For any employee with a base pay record in Employee Job/Salary meeting the following criteria: 

    1. Effective Date makes it effective within the defined reporting period.

    2. Position Start date falls within the defined reporting period.

    3. Job Class crosswalks to a TRS Position not previously reported for this employee and Report Year.

  3. When Report Month is July, August, or September, for any employees with a Contract Begin Date within the reporting period. 

    1. Contract Begin is based on information from the base pay record in Employee Job/Salary where:  

      1. Effective Date makes it effective within the defined reporting period.

      2. Position Start date falls within the defined reporting period.

      3. Job Class crosswalks to a TRS Position not previously reported for this employee and Report Year.

    2. Contract Begin equals: 

      1. Contract Begin defined on the Contract Dates tab of the Generate screen, when the Job Class on base falls within a defined Job Class range.

      2. First Accountable Day from the Calendar code on base, when there is one.

      3. Position Start from base, when there is no Calendar code.

      4. Contract Begin is set equal to the Hire Date from Employee Master, when Hire Date is greater than Contract Begin from 3.b.i, 3.b.ii or 3.b.iii.

Additional Information
  • If an employee starts a new job that has the same TRS position as their primary job, an ED40 would not be generated.  TRS only needs one ED40 per employee and TRS Position.

  • Employee Job Salary Dates for Schools


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