Approval Comments do not appears to save when approving Requisitions

Description of Issue

When in the Requisitions program, if we select the actions/approvers button in the ribbon, and enter a comment then select approve and save, the approval comment does not appear to be referenced anywhere in that approval history or in the general notes on the requisition. It appears to not be saved anywhere.

  • Financials

  • Purchasing

  • Requisitions

  • Approvals


This is an EERP defect


Please install MUN-491190 when available

Entering a General Note on the requisition, and saving that, may be a potential work around for logging the approval comments in the interim. It is worth nothing that this General Note is not stored in the approval histories, but is instead stored with the requisition directly, so it would be worth potentially testing this work around before committing to it on a broad scope.

Additional Information