ESS - 500 Internal Server Error when submitting Employee Notifications - Failed to create DOM document

Description of Issue

In ESS, when the user Acknowledges and clicks Submit on the Notification, they receive a 500 Internal Server Error.

ESS Exception Log - Failed to create DOM document.

  • Employee Self Service

  • ESS

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • Employee Notifications


In EERP, an ampersand (i.e. &) exists in the Description field on the Employee Notification Templates.

  1. Navigate to Employee Notification Templates

    1. EERP > Human Capital Management > Employee Job/Pay Classification > Employee Notifications > Templates icon in the banner

  2. Click Update

  3. Remove the ampersand from the Description field

    1. Review for other special characters in this field

  4. Click Accept

  5. Re-generate employee notification data

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with additional questions.