What is the wsuser
What is the wsuser
Description of Issue
- What does wsuser mean?
- Who is the wsuser?
- Enterprise ERP
- Tyler Cashiering
- Enterprise Permits and Licensing
- Payment Entry (arbilinq)
- Receipts/Receipt Inquiry (arrecinq)
- Roles (sprolemt)
- User Attributes (sprousrm)
The information or records originated from an integrating system (e.g Tyler Cashiering).
The wsuser (Web Service User) is the default name given to the Role or User Name in Enterprise ERP to facilitate communication with integrating systems through the web. Records created in an integrating system will sometimes list wsuser in the Clerk or Created by fields indicating that the record came from an integrating system.
Development is currently looking into an issue with the integration between Enterprise Permits and Licensing and Enterprise ERP when TID is also in use that causes the Clerk field to list wsuser on receipts in Enterprise ERP instead of the user who created the receipts.
Additional Information
- Additional resources about the integration between Enterprise ERP and Tyler Cashiering can be found here: Master Article - Tyler Cashiering and EERP Integration
- Additional resources for working in Payment Entry can be found here: Master Article - Payment Entry