Miscellaneous Receipts being reported as overpayments

Miscellaneous Receipts being reported as overpayments

Description of Issue

On the report from Payment Entry, Payments Proof, or Payments Journal, Miscellaneous Receipts are being listed as overpayments. 

  • Accounts Receivable
  • General Billing
  • Miscellaneous Cash Receipts
  • Overpayments 
  • Payment Entry (arbilinq) 
  • Payments Proof (arrctpst) 
  • Payments Journal (arrctpst)

The Miscellaneous Cash Receipts have more than one line for the same Charge Code and the sum of the lines nets to $0. 


Development is currently researching this issue. This issue will occur when a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt has more than one line for positive and negative values, and the sum of the values is $0. For example, if a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt has line 1 for the Charge Code CASH in the amount of $10.00 and has line 2 for the Charge Code CASH in the amount of -$10.00, then the receipt will currently be reported as an overpayment even though the sum of the 2 lines is $0.00. 

If the sum of a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt is negative, then it is by design that it be reported as an overpayment. 

Additional Information