Permissions for Payroll Check Reconciliation

Permissions for Payroll Check Reconciliation

Description of Issue

User has menu access to Payroll Check Reconciliation, but cannot access the program to run the necessary processes. 

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • User Attributes

  • Roles

  • Payroll Check Reconciliation


User was given menu access under the Financials menu, but has not been given the necessary Payroll permissions. 

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Security>Roles.

  2. Search for Role that will be updated.

    1. Updating Role will update permissions for all users to whom it is assigned.

  3. Click Accept

  4. Click HR Management/Payroll Folder.

    1. If screen is not populated, click Add to make edits.

    2. If screen is populated click Update to make edits.

  5. Under Data Access, edit Deduction type, Location, Org and Pay Type Maintenance access to Full.

    1. Click yellow folder.

    2. Click Full.

    3. Prompt will show: Remove existing data access entries and provide full data access to this role? Click Yes.

    4. Click Back.

  6. Add Run Type and Category Access permissions.

    1. Click Update.

    2. Click Payroll Run Processing tab.

    3. Select all Run Types.

    4. Click Category Access tab.

    5. Select either Update/Delete or Inquiry Only from dropdown menu for the following lines under Employee Master column:

      1. Employee Master Main

      2. Employee Detail History

    6. Click Accept.

Have user log out/log back into EERP after changes to try access/use Payroll Check Reconciliation again. 

Additional Information