Missing payroll checks for a payroll

Missing payroll checks for a payroll

Description of Issue

When I search in payroll Manual Check Reconciliation, I am not seeing the checks for a specific payroll warrant

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Print Payroll Checks


Site did not print the payroll checks yet.  Or, the site deleted the payroll check run, and have not printed them again. The checks could also be removed if the Employee Update was reversed and the user clicked Yes to the prompt Do you wish to remove Checks/Advices?


Print the payroll checks

  1. Access Payroll Start and Status (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status)

    1. Or, if missing vendor checks, and site run vendor payrolls (Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Vendor Processing > Vendor Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Search for the payroll

  3. Click Change

  4. Select Print Payroll Checks

    1. If the Starting Check Number is not correct, click Change to correct it

  5. Select Print Checks/Adv

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