TX TRS Report - How does Munis pull Days Worked on the RP20

Description of Issue

Where does Days Worked pull from when an RP20 record is Generated?

  • Payroll
  • Texas
  • TX TRS Report 


Days Worked is pulled based on the following hierarchy: 

  1. If there is a Termination date in the Employee Master that's prior to the current reporting period, Days Worked = 0.
  2. If the Employment Type = S, unique dates in Time Entry are counted.
    1. To be included in the sum of Days Worked, the Time Entry record must:
      1. Have a Start/End date that falls within the the defined reporting period
      2. Have a Pay code where the UOM in the Pay Master = D - Days.
    2. If no Time Entry records are found that meet the criteria, Days Worked = 0.
  3. If there is a Calendar attached to the base pay record for the TRS Position on the RP20, the Generate uses the data it finds on the Calendar. 
    1. The Dates the Generate will look at on the Calendar are the first and last day of your defined Reporting Month.
      1. If the Hired date in the Employee Master is after the first day of the defined Reporting Month, the Generate starts the count on the date of hire.
      2. If the Termination date in the Employee Master is after the first day of the defined Reporting Month, but before the last day of your defined Reporting Month, the Generate stops the count on the date of termination.
      3. A date is only included in the Days Worked sum if the Day Type for that Date has the Pay Employees option selected (it only counts paid days).  If there aren't any dates meeting the criteria, Days Worked = 0.
      4. If the reporting period dates don't exist on the employee's Calendar at all, Days Worked = 0. 
      5. If Days Worked are found, the sum is reduced by (the absolute value of) days from Pay codes defined as Dock and then increased by the number of days on Pay codes defined as Addback.
  4. If no Calendar is attached to base, then Days/Period from Employee Job/Salary is multiplied according to Pay Frequency as detailed below, and then divided by 12 months to get Scheduled Days per month.
    1. If Pay Frequency = Biweekly, then Days/Period is multiplied by 26
    2. If Pay Frequency = Weekly, then Days/Period is multiplied by 52
    3. If Pay Frequency = Semi-Monthly, then Days/Period is multiplied by 24
    4. If Pay Frequency = Monthly, then Days/Period is multiplied by 12
    5. If Pay Frequency = Quarterly, then Days/Period is multiplied by 4
    6. If Pay Frequency = Semi-Annual, then Days/Period is multiplied by 2
    7. If Pay Frequency = Annual, then Days/Period is multiplied by 1
    8. If Days/Period = 0, Days Worked = 0.
  5. Days Worked = 0.