arswivrs_applyPayment is generating an error

arswivrs_applyPayment is generating an error

Description of Issue

Payments made through IVR are generating a webservice error - Error_msg: Error calculating bill amounts. Check system log.



IVR Payments



Incorrect IVR Payment Configuration

Example of Incorrect Field setup
<Account number="Account Number" custID="Customer Number" />


Example of Correct Field Setup
<criteria>&lt:Account number="Account Number" custID="Customer Number"&gt;
<filler>&lt;Filler memo="TransactionID:XXXXXX"&gt;</filler>

Note that instead of the <> around the account information and filler information the < is replaced with &lt; and the /> is replaced with &gt;

This change should allow the arswivrs_applyPayment process to complete successfully.

If IVR payments are still failing after that change please open a support case with the Munis support team for the type of payment that is being processed.

Additional Information