Tyler Hub Map Card Upgrade
The Tyler Hub map card currently performs excessive geocoding calls
- Tyler HUB
- Map Card
- Geocoding
The Tyler Hub map card currently performs excessive geocoding calls to our third-party service provider when plotting data from Munis and Tyler EAM products.
Starting Wednesday, February 3, Tyler Technologies will begin automatically deploying the latest Tyler Hub service packs to non-production environments for both on-premises and SaaS-hosted clients. On the evening of Friday, February 5 through Sunday, February 7, we will deploy the service packs to all production environments.
Upgrade Details: The Tyler Hub map card currently performs excessive geocoding calls to our third-party service provider when plotting data from Munis and Tyler EAM products. Tyler Hub will begin utilizing a caching system to store geocoded locations locally and eliminate the need to geocode data more than once after the upgrade process is complete.
To learn if your version of Hub will receive an update, please reference the path outline below. All current Tyler Hub versions are compatible with Munis and Tyler EAM version 2017 and up, as well as being backwards compatible with all other Tyler apps, so other systems do not need to be upgraded in conjunction with this update.
Note: In some upgrade paths, end users may experience issues loading data and menus. These are normally resolved by clearing the PC browser cache, a simple process that is outlined here. Some users may also see one-time prompts for Hub card and page updates, which they should accept. Contact Tyler Support if needed.
Client Upgrade Paths
Current Hub Version → New Hub Version
2019.1 → 2019.1 sp11
2019.2 → 2019.4 sp9
2019.3 → 2019.4 sp9
2019.4 → 2019.4 sp9
2020.1 → 2020.1 sp9
2020.2 → 2020.3 sp6
2020.3 → 2020.3 sp6Release notes for all Hub releases can be found here: https://tylercommunity.tylertech.com/tyler/tyler-hub/m/servicepacknotes
- Please see this link for the Tyler Community post regarding this notice: https://tylercommunity.tylertech.com/tyler/tyler-hub/f/forum/64664/tyler-alert-hub-update-for-munis-and-eam-clients/165068
- If you do not have access to the above link you will need to request access to the Tyler HUB group here: https://tylercommunity.tylertech.com/tyler/tyler-hub . Once you have been added to this group you will have access to the post regarding this notice
If you wish to have the HUB upgrades done at a different scheduled time please log a case with Tyler Systems Management ASAP through the case portal or by phone at 1-800-772-2260 ext. 3851 (On-Premise) or ext. 3806 (SaaS)