NC ORBIT Report - Retirees Missing
Retirees are missing from the NC ORBIT Report.
- Payroll
- North Carolina
- NC ORBIT Report
The NC ORBIT Generate process creates a Period Record for every employee meeting all of the following criteria:
• Has a record in NC Employee Retirement Maintenance
• Has a Location in the Employee Master that falls within the defined Location range
• Has a deduction gross in Employee Accumulators for at least one of the defined Deduction codes, for the defined Report Month/Year.
As a deduction gross is required for employees that need to be reported with a salary amount, an NC ORBIT deduction needs to be processed through the payroll in order to pull into the report.
Create a zero dollar deduction and link it to all retirees that need to be reported. Zero dollar deductions are typically used to identify an employee that needs to be included in a retirement report, but does not actually contribute to the retirement system. Linking the deduction allows the system to track the employees gross without withholding a dollar amount.
To create the zero dollar deduction:
- Open the Deduction and Benefit Master program in Munis.
- Select Add and choose a Deduction code that can easily be include in any existing deduction range currently being defined on the NC ORBIT Report.
- Define the following fields as noted. All fields not specifically noted can be populated at your discretion.
- Category should be 03 - Retirement
- Insufficiency should be M - Mandatory (Must be Resolved)
- Calc Code should be 03 - Pct From Deduction Master
- Check Type should be N - No Check
- Empe/Empr should be 4 - Neither Pays
- Select an appropriate Expense and Withholding GL account
- Empe Amt/Pct should be .000
- Empr Amt/Pct should be .000
- Select Accept.
Once the deduction has been created in the Deduction and Benefit Master, add the Deduction code to all applicable employees in the Employee Deduction program.