NC ORBIT Report - Retirees Missing

NC ORBIT Report - Retirees Missing

Description of Issue

Retirees are missing from the NC ORBIT Report. 

  • Payroll
  • North Carolina
  • NC ORBIT Report

The NC ORBIT Generate process creates a Period Record for every employee meeting all of the following criteria:

• Has a record in NC Employee Retirement Maintenance
• Has a Location in the Employee Master that falls within the defined Location range
• Has a deduction gross in Employee Accumulators for at least one of the defined Deduction codes, for the defined Report Month/Year.

As a deduction gross is required for employees that need to be reported with a salary amount, an NC ORBIT deduction needs to be processed through the payroll in order to pull into the report.


Create a zero dollar deduction and link it to all retirees that need to be reported.  Zero dollar deductions are typically used to identify an employee that needs to be included in a retirement report, but does not actually contribute to the retirement system. Linking the deduction allows the system to track the employees gross without withholding a dollar amount.

To create the zero dollar deduction: 

  1. Open the Deduction and Benefit Master program in Munis. 
  2. Select Add and choose a Deduction code that can easily be include in any existing deduction range currently being defined on the NC ORBIT Report.
  3. Define the following fields as noted.  All fields not specifically noted can be populated at your discretion. 
    1. Category should be 03 - Retirement 
    2. Insufficiency should be M - Mandatory (Must be Resolved)
    3. Calc Code should be 03 - Pct From Deduction Master
    4. Check Type should be N - No Check
    5. Empe/Empr should be 4 - Neither Pays
    6. Select an appropriate Expense and Withholding GL account
    7. Empe Amt/Pct should be .000
    8. Empr Amt/Pct should be .000
  4. Select Accept.

Once the deduction has been created in the Deduction and Benefit Master, add the Deduction code to all applicable employees in the Employee Deduction program.

Additional Information

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