Incorrect meter readings imported into Munis after changing from Neptune A format to Neptune V4 format

Description of Issue

Sites changing from exporting and importing meter reads using the Neptune A format to the Neptune V4 format have found that the readings are incorrect in Munis



Utility Billing Classic

Export Handheld Meter File

Import Handheld Meter File


Export Meter Reading File

Import Meter Reading File

All Versions


When using the Neptune A format the export file would subtract the fixed zeros from the number of dials, for example, 6 dials with 2 fixed zeros the number of dials in export would be 4. With the Neptune V4 format the same example 6 dials with 2 fixed zeros the number of dials in export would be 6. This caused sites using Neptune A and fixed zeros to import incorrect readings.


Install the work ticket that corresponds to your version of Munis to correct the export file.

MUN-396450 (
MUN-396534 (
MUN-396536 (2018.1.28.0)
MUN-396538 (2019.1.21.0)
MUN-396539 (2019.3.16.0)
MUN-396540 (2020.1.0.0A)
MUN-396541 (2020.2.0.0A)
MUN-396542 (2020.3.0.0A)

Additional Information