TX TRS Public Ed EC GL Post error

Description of Issue

When trying to run the Output/Post option in the TX TRS Public Ed EC G/L Posting program, receiving an error - 

Journal amount not defined

Error selecting account for journal post, Status: 0

No journal lines for posting.  Errors occurred in processing.  No posting will take place. 

  • General Ledger
  • Payroll
  • Texas
  • TX TRS Report
  • Public Ed EC G/L Post

This error is caused by an employee that has a Public Ed EC amount on the RP20 record in the TX TRS Report program, but doesn't have any TRS eligible amounts in earnings history. The Public Ed EC G/L Post program tries to allocate the Public Ed EC amounts to appropriate GL accounts based on the GL accounts in earnings history and returns a NULL value when it can't find any eligible earnings for the employee. This NULL value generates the  Journal amount not defined  error message.

  1. Look at the proof report for the affected employee(s). 
    1. These are typically the first employee(s) listed on Page 1
      1. Fund and Account Number columns will be blank
      2. Description column will say NOT FOUND
    2. When the error pops and the employee isn't listed at the top of Page 1, this is usually because a Void warrant was processed after the RP20 records were Generated.  
      1. To identify employees in this scenario, see TX TRS Public Ed EC GL Post Error - Identifying the employee with nulls
  2. Determine whether or not the RP20 for this employee should have a TRS Eligible Compensation amount:
    1. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Payroll > Employee History > Payroll Detail History
    2. Select Search
    3. Enter the employee number(s) in the Employee field and one of the following:
      1. The TRS Reporting Period in the Check Date field (eg. for reporting July, 2023 enter 07/01/2023 - 07/30/2023)
      2. OR enter the TRS Report Month in the Monthly field and the TRS Report Year in the Yearly field. 
    4. Select Accept 
    5. Select Excel
    6. Review the Excel file. 
  3. Was the employee paid any TRS eligible amounts?
    1. No - See TX TRS Public Ed EC GL Post error - Employee did not receive any TRS Eligible amounts
    2. Yes - See TX TRS Public Ed EC GL Post error - Employee received TRS Eligible Compensation amounts
Additional Information
  • Eligible  earnings are determined by the Payroll Exceptions for the defined TRS deduction processed within each payroll warrant in the pay period, for each employee.  This error is often a result of the fact that a defined TRS deduction wasn't included for each employee, and most often the deduction that should have been included was a  zero-dollar  TRS deduction.  
  • If there is no TRS deduction in the payroll, there is nothing there for the system to pull Payroll Exceptions for and with no Payroll Exceptions, there is nothing there to tell the system that an amount should not be reported as TRS Eligible.  Consequently, all earnings are reported as TRS Eligible and a TRS Eligible amount generating into an RP20 will trigger the calculation of a Public Ed EC amount on the RP20. 
  • The error surfaces in the GL Post because you are defining a specific  TRS Eligible Retirement Deduction  on the GL Post screen.  The program is using this defined deduction to get to Payroll Exceptions, instead of relying on the payroll warrant, so it is able to accurately see that none of the employees earnings were TRS Eligible. 
  • In most cases, an affected employee(s) should have had a zero-dollar TRS deduction in the payroll, which would have excluded all earnings.  That would have prevented the TRS Eligible amount from calculating incorrectly during the RP20 Generate, which would have prevented the Public Ed GL Post from evaluating the RP20 record at all.