Auto generating Organization Codes

Auto generating Organization Codes

Description of Issue

Is there a way we can specify what we want MUNIS to use when generating a new org code?

  • Account Mass Create
  • Account Code Import
  • glmassgn
  • glactimp
  • Auto org
  • MUNIS Organization Code Auto Generate is on.
  • MUNIS Import/creation follows a specific logic when Organization codes are auto created which may result in the Organization Code being created by MUNIS not to match the number that the site wants.
  • Auto Org Generate should be off.
  • The Organization Code would need to be manually created by the site in General Ledger Menu > Chart of Account Segments
  • Testing verified with Auto Org Off the Organization Codes are still being Auto Generated during Account come Mass Creation and Import. Created work ticket MUN-402265 to address the issue.