Link General Ledger Journals - Journal Inquiry/Print
Description of Issue
- How do Journals link in the General Ledger?
- Is journal linking automatic or a manual process?
- Automated
- Configuration (Manual)
- Automation linked journal failed to link and/or post.
- Posting Actual transactions to prior year 1 period 13 can trigger automated "linked" journals depending on Account Types
- Balance Sheets:
- Closing Balance ZERO triggers Adjusting Journal Entries (AJE) in period 13 that mimic Year-End-Close (YEC) period 13 journals
- Closing Balance CARRY triggers Start-Of-Year (SOY)
- Expense and Revenue
- Multi Year Life-to-Date (MY LTD) Fund Accounts prior year Actual, Budget or (Encumbrance - Support only) adjusting Available Budget triggers carry forward (BUC)
- Standard Fund Accounts flagged "Roll Available Budget" mimic MY LTD
- Balance Sheets:
- Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
- Select Search
- Enter selection criteria to find needed GL journal (Example: Year/period/journal number/Source etc...)
- Accept
- Journal Links in header of journal not listed in ribbon with other options
- Add
- Year
- Period
- Journal Number
- Press Tab on keyboard to move to Primary Source field to validate journal
- Source will populate if matching journal found
"No journal exists" error will display bottom of screen in red if no matching journal found
- Accept
Additional Information
Must select Posted Journals
- Unposted journals cannot be selected
- Journals are linked in a parent/child relationship. Journals that have other journals linked to them are parent journals, while those linked to another journal are children
- Child journal year must match the active parent journal year
Child journals can only be added from a parent journal.
- Any period, Source Code or Transaction Type (1=Actual, 4=Encumbrance or 5=Budget) can be used in matching fiscal year journal
- Cannot link a Journal that is already linked as a child