Add GEN - General Ledger Journal - Accounting Entries

Description of Issue

How do users manually add a GEN journal?


Accounting Entries (GEN) General Journal Entry


Site needs to enter a manual General Ledger journal to update GL account amounts


Many programs have a help screen with an expandable Tasks section. These steps come from the Help screen.

  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Accounting Entries
  2. On the ribbon, click Add General Journal
    • The program displays the General Ledger Journal Entry page
  3. Complete the Fiscal Year, Period, Effective Date, and Short Description boxes in the General Ledger Journal Entry group
  4. Click the Journal Details button to display additional journal detail fields
    • Complete the fields in the Journal Detail section, as required
    • In the Journal Lines group, click the Project String column the first detail line.
      • The program opens the boxes in the column for entry
  5. Enter the project string to be used for the journal line, if applicable
  6. Tab to advance to the Account or Org/Object/Project column
  7. Complete the account or org/object/project combination
  8. Tab to advance to the Line Description column
    • The program automatically enters the Account Description value
  9. Enter the line description, and enter an amount in the Debit or Credit columns
    • If the line requires additional notes, expand the Actions menu and select Notes
      • The program displays an Additional Description dialog box
      • Enter your notes, and click Save if applicable 
        The program saves the notes and returns to the program screen
  10. Add Line on the ribbon or in the header of the Journal Lines group
    • The program adds a blank line to the Journal Lines group.
    • To remove a line, expand the Actions menu and select Delete if applicable
    • Continue entering journal lines until the journal entry is complete
  11. Save
    • The program saves your journal entry and displays a confirmation dialog box
  12. OK
    1. The program returns to the program screen with the newly created journal as the active record
  13. Release into GLJ workflow
    • If workflow business rules are triggered status will be updated to Pending Actions 
    • If no pending actions are generated status will update to Approved
    • Once Approvers approver all pending actions status will update to Approved
  14. Output post using needed option (Print, PDF, Display, Save)
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