Add GEN - General Ledger Journal - Accounting Entries
Add GEN - General Ledger Journal - Accounting Entries
Description of Issue
How do users manually add a GEN journal?
Accounting Entries (GEN) General Journal Entry
Site needs to enter a manual General Ledger journal to update GL account amounts
Many programs have a help screen with an expandable Tasks section. These steps come from the Help screen.
- Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Accounting Entries
- On the ribbon, click Add General Journal
- The program displays the General Ledger Journal Entry page
- Complete the Fiscal Year, Period, Effective Date, and Short Description boxes in the General Ledger Journal Entry group
- Click the Journal Details button to display additional journal detail fields
- Complete the fields in the Journal Detail section, as required
- In the Journal Lines group, click the Project String column the first detail line.
- The program opens the boxes in the column for entry
- Enter the project string to be used for the journal line, if applicable
- Tab to advance to the Account or Org/Object/Project column
- Complete the account or org/object/project combination
- Tab to advance to the Line Description column
- The program automatically enters the Account Description value
- Enter the line description, and enter an amount in the Debit or Credit columns
- If the line requires additional notes, expand the Actions menu and select Notes
- The program displays an Additional Description dialog box
- Enter your notes, and click Save if applicable
The program saves the notes and returns to the program screen
- If the line requires additional notes, expand the Actions menu and select Notes
- Add Line on the ribbon or in the header of the Journal Lines group
- The program adds a blank line to the Journal Lines group.
- To remove a line, expand the Actions menu and select Delete if applicable
- Continue entering journal lines until the journal entry is complete
- Save
- The program saves your journal entry and displays a confirmation dialog box
- OK
- The program returns to the program screen with the newly created journal as the active record
- Release into GLJ workflow
- If workflow business rules are triggered status will be updated to Pending Actions
- If no pending actions are generated status will update to Approved
- Once Approvers approver all pending actions status will update to Approved
- Output post using needed option (Print, PDF, Display, Save)
Additional Information
- General Journal Entry/Proof can enter all of the same source type journals Accounting Entries can
- If site uses Bank Reconciliation GEN display as Adjustments
- GEN can be reversed in Journal Reversal (GRV) if needed
- Add GEN - General Ledger Journal - General Journal Entry Proof